32 Easy SEO Ideas to Boost Your Food Blog Traffic
The following 32SEO tips for food bloggers are sorted by specific categories and should help you to be found even better on Google with your blog posts.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and has the goal that you can ideally be found with your articles on the first SERP (Search Engine Result Page) of Google. In order to make your blog more successful, on-page optimization as well as off-page optimization such as link building is necessary.
SEO doesn’t work overnight. Be patient and don’t let yourself get off course. If you take the following tips into account, you will surely be successful after some time. Make your blog better known!
1. SEO Tips for Food Bloggers – Basics
#1 Optimize each blog post for just one keyword. For example, “cheese platters”
#2 Using the Keyword Planner, you can identify the frequency with which a keyword is searched and how strong the competition is – low, medium, or high. Find keywords for your niche with an acceptable frequency and low competition, the easier it will be for you to succeed.
#3 Therefore, prefer long-term keywords such as “make cheese platters yourself” instead of the short-term keyword “cheese platters” if this has high competition. It’s better to rank for a keyword with fewer searches on page 1 than one with a high search volume on page 3
#4 TheURLof your post must include the keyword, so www.das-kaesewerk.de/kaeseplatten-arrangieren/
#5 The headline of your post must include the keyword and ideally close to the beginning – for example, “Put cheese platters together correctly – 6 delicious ideas”
6# Theheadline should not be longer than 65 characters, as Google cannot display the rest
#7 In your blog post, your keyword should appear directly in the first line of your post, so “Today I’ll show you that making cheese platters yourself is done in no time”
#8 Bold your keyword in the first paragraph as shown in point 7
#9 Use your keyword again and again in the text and especially in theH1 and H2 headline
#10 Make sure the keyword density doesn’t exceed 3%
#11 Write posts with at least 300 words. Even better are contributions with at least 1000 words. The more words a post has, the greater its relevance. Write a post with 1000 words rather than 3 posts with 300 words. Also keep in mind that you should be in good time shortly before the start of the respective food season such as Easter, asparagus, pumpkin season, etc. Write your posts. In addition, do not write about the recipes. For me, articles rank best that give general practical assistance such as “Can you freeze cheese?” and “What is the difference between conventional and organic cheese?”
#12 Don’t write your post for Google, but for your users. The more relevant and informative your content is, the better for your users and thus also for Google
#13 Use your keyword in the metatext and make sure that this text is no longer than 156 characters. The metatext is the text that appears in the SERP under the title.
#14 Also use topic-relevant keywords for your copy. You can find these if you scroll down to the bottom of Google. These are almost synonymous and make your text even more relevant
SEO tips for foodblogs related keywords
#15 In any case, avoid duplicate content. Content should never be duplicated. Therefore, never copy the texts of others (which should actually be self-evident)
2. SEO tips for food bloggers – analysis tools
#16 UseGoogle Analyticsas an analytics tool. Here you can set up a dashboard that shows you how many users per period, which pages have accessed with which keyword, and where they come from. There are a variety of other possibilities but these were the most important ones from my point of view. Use the Add widget function to set up your dashboard individually. So you are always aware of how your traffic is developing, from which sources it comes and which are your most relevant posts or keywords
#17 Use GoogleWebmaster Tool’s Search Console as an analysis tool. Here you will find valuable data about search terms, page clicks, impressions, position in Google search results, and click-through rates (CTR). The CTR indicates a percentage of how often a link was clicked in relation to the number of impressions on Google. For example, if you had 10,000 impressions for a certain keyword in the last month and it was clicked on the page 3,000 times, your CTR is 30%. The most important thing to look out for are two cases:
- Select pages that have a high position of up to 5 and a comparatively high number of impressions but only a low CTR compared to other posts, for example 4%. Obviously, users don’t click on your link despite its high position, so check how you can make your headline and metatext more attractive. Develop a clear description of what awaits the user with a call-to-action and a curious headline. In the following example, my post “What is feta” had almost 13,000 impressions last month but only a CTR of 4%. With the article “Can you freeze cheese” I had a similarly high number of impressions but a 5 times as high click rate. So the feta article has great optimization potential.
SEO tips for food blogs - Search for pages that are currently displayed on the second Google page so position 11 to 15 with a relatively high number of impressions and start to optimize the content of this article. You will know how to do this after studying this article. After a while you will see that you are on the first page
3. SEO Tips for Food Bloggers – Pictures
#18 Use vivid and appetizing images in your blog post or homemade videos. These make your post more interesting for your users and Google loves that too. Use at least 4 media per post
#19 Compress your image to a size that is completely sufficient for web viewing. Too many megabytes make your site slow and neither the user trying to access your site nor Google likes that. I compress to about 150 kilobytes per image
#20 Pay attention to the correct naming of your images, images with generic names like IMG3291.jpg are not good at all. Google can’t recognize images, but Google recognizes the name of the image. Name your pictures according to this scheme:kaeseplatten-selbst-machen.jpg. ALWAYS use a hyphen to separate the words and NEVER use an underscore or other characters
#21 Never use umlauts like ä, ö, ü or the sharp S ß as names for your image file because especially the Safari browser cannot read it and this is the result that your images are not displayed.
#22 Use your keyword as an ALT attribute and description of your image as well.
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4. SEO tips for food bloggers – catchy headlines
#23 The more curious your headline makes, the greater your click-through rate will be. There are certain forms of headlines that always work well:
- The “Like you….”headline
- The “The Ultimate Guide to…” Headline
- The”100 practical tips for….”Headline
- The “10 best … Recipes for…”Headline
- The “The Best ….Recipe” headline
- The”In just 3 steps to the perfect …..” Heading
- The”In just 5 minutes to the perfect …..” Heading
- The”The biggest mistakes in …. Cooking and How to Avoid Them” Headline
- The “The Ultimate Checklist for…” Headline
- The “Attention: …”Heading
5. SEO Tips for Food Bloggers – Links
#24 A good link within your site is important to increase the dwell time of your users. Within your texts, put links to other posts that you have already written. At the end of each post, put a note: “You might also be interested in these posts” and name at least three topic-relevant links and also links from pages that already rank best
#25 Even more important are external links. The more pages that link to your site, the better you’ll rank on Google. In addition, it is relevant that these pages themselves have a good relevance. In any case, avoid buying backlinks from questionable providers. This would be punished bitterly. Think better:
- Which bloggers from your niche you could cooperate with? For example, if you have a blog about coffee, find partners who like to write about baking.
- Activate all friends who have a homepage to include you in their linkroll
- Sign up for food blog directories
- how to leave interesting comments on other blogs you like
- how you can write articles for manufacturers and they link you on their social media
- how to guest post on other blogs
- consistently promote your food images on Pinterest. After Google, Pinterest is my biggest source of traffic, ahead of Facebook. Pinterest gets a lot of shares, and every time you get a new link to your page.
#26 Link not only to your homepage but also to the subpages with the relevant content
#27 Create a table of contents for posts with a lot of text that quickly links to the individual passages, as I did in this article
#28 Fix broken links immediately. Nobody likes to run into the void.
6. SEO Tips for Food Bloggers – Social Media
#29 Use Facebook and encourage your users to comment and share your posts. Always write a post with a really good recipe and a really nice food photo and a curious introductory text and link to your post page. Also, use hashtags under your post. But don’t overdo it
#30 Show a Facebook Like Boxon your homepage from about 250 fans, this creates additional competence and trust. You can install them as a plug-in
#31 Be sure to use Pinterest. For my blog, Pinterest is the biggest traffic bringer after Google. Since Pinterest is exclusively image-oriented, there is great potential here that your most beautiful food shots will be shared and thus new links will always be created.
#32 Motivate your visitors to sign up for a newsletter. Write an email newsletter to your subscribers regularly but not too often and you will be rewarded with a lot of traffic because the users are already big fans of yours
So that you can assess how successful I have been with the use of this SEO technique so far, I reveal my current webmaster tool analysis: I myself have written 110 posts on my blog Das Käsewerk of which in the last 28 days:
48 articles ranked 1st – 10 = 43.6% of contributions
42 articles rank 11th – 20 = 38.2% of contributions
15 articles rank 21st – 30 = 13.6% of posts
5 articles ranked 31st – 35 = 4.5% of posts
On average, this gives a position of 8.3 and my CTR is 8.2%. I am quite satisfied with these values. I have already achieved a lot, but there is still room for improvement.
This should show you that by consistently applying my SEO tips for food bloggers, your site can also be further optimized. So everyone can make their blog better known and look forward to more organic visitors. I am looking forward to your feedback and would be happy about further tips from you in the comments, with which you have had good experiences.