Child-friendly & healthy eating habits

First of all, children imitate what they see in the “big ones”, adopt good and bad habits, including when it comes to eating. Especially with younger children, the example of their parents has a far-reaching influence on their eating behavior. If, for example, you eat a varied and balanced diet, your child will experience this as “normal” and take it for granted.

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Stress and arguments about food spoil the joy of it

Avoid stress when and around eating: children don’t always have to empty their plates, and they don’t have to be equally fond of everything. And your child may not even like some vegetables. This is no different for adults and is not a cause for concern, as long as vegetables, for example, are not categorically rejected.

Children need regular meals

Try to establish and maintain a rhythm for meals that are as fixed as possible. Children need regular meals and should eat and drink something. If you are hungry, there are snacks between meals, but there should not be something to eat all the time.

If possible, eat one meal a day together

If possible, family meals should have a permanent place in everyday family life. They are an opportunity and a reason to exchange ideas and keep talking to one another. Especially at a young age, children take on a lot of what they can observe using the example of their parents and other family members – from the choice of food to how they behave at the table. In a pleasant atmosphere at the table, you will learn that eating and drinking is something special and that it contributes to well-being.

Include them in tasks related to eating according to their age

Give your child food-related tasks appropriate to their age. Children usually like to help and that piques their interest in food. As they get older, they should be included in the planning and preparation of healthy meals and be able to “have a say”.

Let children learn a lot about food

Children are usually curious. Therefore, give your child the opportunity to learn as much as possible about food – what it looks like unprocessed or in its raw state, where it comes from, how it grows, what can be made from it and of course: how it tastes.
