Being Healthy While Traveling with DB

Getting sick is always very annoying. But if you are also travelling and maybe even alone in another country, then this is all the more uncomfortable. It is also a fact that you are more prone to get sick while travelling. Of course, it is always important to be a little more careful when you are travelling.

Listen to your intuition when travelling with DB

As a general rule, β€œIt’s better to be safe than sorry.” If you have any doubts about the climate, food or drinking water, then listen to your instincts and don’t take any risks. In case you do not know whether it will be cold at night, then pack another sweater. If you do not know whether the tap water is safe to drink, then use the water from the bottle to brush your teeth.

DB travelling: Build a good immune system with proper nutrition

Eating a healthy diet is very important, be it for your general health and well-being. Also, you have to maintain a good immune system when travelling. Not only healthy products are a must, but also high-quality products. It can therefore make sense, if you are not sure whether you will get something healthy to eat on the way, to stock up on nuts and the like.

DB travelling: Give yourself enough time out

Travelling can be really stressful! This is not about a week’s all-inclusive package holiday, but about real travel. That means night buses, change of accommodation, new people, new places and that at regular intervals.

Stress can severely damage the body and especially the immune system so that one is more prone to get sick.

DB travelling: Exchange ideas with other travellers

When you arrive in a country for the first time, you often don’t even know what the situation is like. For this reason, it is always helpful to exchange ideas with other travellers. It is good to hear their experiences in the respective country. For example, if someone had problems after visiting a certain restaurant, you can avoid visiting that restaurant.
