Category: Health

With targeted training, hearing performance can be improved or at least the hearing loss can be slowed down. No matter what age.

But how do you train your hearing?

Most listening exercises rely on actively focusing on listening. This sharpens the auditory perception, which can lead to a noticeable increase in hearing performance.

Listening exercises

Go to restless places and practice mindfulness. You go to a noisy place like a shopping mall. There you try to concentrate on exactly one sound. Alternatively, you can ask yourself a riddle: Which noises do I perceive, what causes them and from which direction do they come?

There is nothing wrong with starting such exercises at 35 or 50 when your hearing is still okay. The “hearing training” can be integrated well as a mindfulness exercise into our everyday life. With this we not only train our hearing, but also do something for our inner calm and concentration.

Exposing yourself to different auditory stimuli every day

An active lifestyle promotes health and trains the senses. This also benefits your hearing like listening to music with Spotify, Soundcloud, or mp3 Youtube which can convert things from mp3 to mp4. If you want to keep your ears fit into old age, you should make sure that they are used daily and have to process many different stimuli.

For long-term hearing health, it is important to bring variety and challenge to the usual daily routines. Because if the hearing is constantly confronted with new auditory impressions, it adapts to this and remains flexible.

Do activities and actively communicate

Concerts, theater performances or lectures provide different listening stimuli. All conversations and social activities in small and large groups, be it in a sports club, with friends or with family, provide different acoustic stimuli that train the hearing. Those who always actively participate and communicate keep their hearing during training and can also very quickly determine when communication is gradually getting worse.

Wide range of acoustic signals

A varied spectrum of acoustic demands on the hearing supports the maintenance of the networked nerve tracts in the auditory center of the human brain, where what is heard is decoded and processed. The larger and more diverse the range of acoustic signals, the more efficient the corresponding networks in the brain remain.

When to go to the hearing care professional

If restless conversation situations are increasingly perceived as exhausting, you should not avoid them, but definitely consider a hearing test with a hearing care professional.

Hearing researchers believe that this process of hearing weaning is widespread. Because millions of people have gradually developed hearing loss with increasing age. The hearing perception of those affected is limited without them being aware of it. Subconsciously, they have adapted their everyday patterns to their hearing deficits, so that the amount and variety of acoustic signals that still reach the hearing center continue to decrease.

The longer this weaning continues, the more difficult it becomes to reverse the process. Hearing care professionals can remedy this and help people who are used to hearing to hear well again with the help of suitable hearing technology and individual hearing training.

Audio therapy

Audio therapy is the task of hearing aid acousticians and is particularly suitable for people who already have problems hearing in ambient noise without hearing systems, and for customers who are used to hearing and who have not been cared for for a long time. It is aimed at people with moderate and severe hearing losses, a pronounced noise sensitivity and is suitable for tinnitus patients.

If it comes to coffee, one matter is certain-there is not any other drink quite similar to it. Second only to water because the worlds most popular beverage, coffee is an integral component of virtually every society. It has subsequently been used as money, a religious sacrament, and a luxury item to which only royalty had access.

Happily, there have been lots of improvements in medical science over the past two decades that have revealed that caffeine has several positive side effects. Among the most profound discoveries lately has been the connection between coffee intake and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing medical problems and an average of one million people are diagnosed each year.

Scientists and researchers have been able to establish that moderate coffee consumption may reduce your risk around thirty percent.

Coffee has long been known to have an effect on mental endurance and has often been applied by those in need of a short-term energy increase. New studies have revealed that the favorable effect on alertness may be more than only a short-term effect, together with individuals who consume between 3-5 cups of coffee daily having a considerably lower chance of developing Alzheimer’s. So why not get your Portable coffee machines now?

In addition to those advantages , this has also been proven to lower a persons risk to numerous kinds of cancer including colon, liver, rectal, and breast cancer. Coffee can also be extremely rich in antioxidants, which are believed to be instrumental in providing protection against cardiovascular disease and cancer.

As a whole, coffee drinkers also statistically have a decrease risk for many health problems like stroke, dementia, and allergies.