Being Healthy: Food and Games

Sweet foods cause a jump in blood sugar and short-term overexcitement, which can be regarded as a surge of energy.  But in practice, in such a state it is difficult to concentrate, after a jump in sugar, there is a sharp decline, on which it is easy to quickly get tired, lose focus and difficult to collect, memorize data or analyze them.


Banana is the perfect snack. It is easy to take it with you, you do not need to wash it, you do not need to cook it, it is available and can easily replace a harmful dessert. A banana will also come in handy if you have a deadline or session of playing Pokémon using fire red gamesharks or other games.

A banana snack will provide you with an impressive supply of potassium, which supports brain function and helps prevent nervous breakdowns. In addition, bananas contain a balanced amount of sugar, which provides the blood glucose levels needed for comfortable work.


A daily serving (about 30 grams) of walnuts, almonds, or pecans improves mental performance and helps strengthen high concentration skills. In addition, the beneficial unsaturated fatty acids found in nuts help preserve cognitive functions that tend to decline with age.


Caffeine, which is also found in tea, helps you concentrate. However, coffee should be drunk with care. Not only because it can provoke gastrointestinal problems, but also because in high doses, it increases anxiety and causes overwork of the nervous system. A couple of cups of weak coffee, stretched out for long hours, will help you work efficiently.


Whole-grain oat porridge is the perfect breakfast not to skip for the brain’s efficiency boost throughout the day. Research in college students has shown that eating a whole grain breakfast improves short-term memory and the ability to focus on studies.

At the same time, another study found that high-calorie breakfasts with simple carbohydrates (white bread, sweets, instant cereals) decreased mental alertness and the ability to focus. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it.

Green tea

A gentle yet effective alternative to coffee. The caffeine in green tea is balanced with tannins, which increase mental alertness, help you remember data better, and help you focus on tasks. In addition, green tea contains powerful antioxidants – flavonoids, which not only help to maintain mental clarity, but also fight local inflammation and strengthen the body as a whole.


Beet nutrients dilate blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain. This makes our minds more productive. Beetroot is also excellent because most of the beneficial properties of this root crop are not destroyed during heat treatment.

Therefore, you can safely boil, bake and stew the beets. In its raw form, it is also useful, but it can provoke an exacerbation of gastrointestinal problems, so it is better to add fresh beetroot or smoothies in small quantities to other vegetable or fruit drinks.


Yes, it’s that simple. During times of stress at work, lack of sleep, overwork, and preparation for exams, it is especially important to drink enough water. Lack of fluid leads to rapid fatigue and loss of focus. Moreover, every cup of coffee or energy disrupts the body’s water balance.

To restore it, you will have to drink at least twice as much water. To remember to drink and keep your mind clear, get your own reusable water bottle, keep it on the table, and refill it several times a day.
