Tag: cycling improves health

Cycling burns calories and relieves the joints. Important: Sit correctly, dress appropriately and check the bike regularly

Cyclists benefit from every excursion, no matter how small. Not only because they save fuel costs and protect the climate. Above all, cyclists get their bodies going. Anyone who pedals regularly strengthens the pumping function of the heart, removes excess fat deposits, strengthens muscles and lungs, and usually brightens their mood.

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Why Cycling is so Healthy?

Cycling sports stimulate the metabolism and increase blood circulation which helps to prevent muscle wastage and maintain muscle mass. While many people think that bikes are not suitable for older and overweight people because they require a lot of effort, there are some specific brands of bikes that are designed to suit the needs of older and heavy-set individuals. Cycling can help overweight individuals lose extra weight and help elderly people boost their cardio needs. If you haven’t done any sport for a long time, visit your doctor before engaging in any cycling activity.

Cycle properly

According to experts, many people do not cycle properly. You build up speed with heavy gears and then roll in front of you, pedal a few more times and roll again. Much more effective for fitness and at the same time more joint-friendly.

Also important is the correct sitting position. If your buttocks or private parts feel numb, your neck hurts or your wrists tingle, then you should visit a bicycle dealer to check on the handlebars. Sometimes the saddle is not right. All these factors should be corrected before cycling.

Regular bike check is necessary for safety

It is important to keep your bike in good shape and a regular bike check can help you do that. It will also help you avoid any serious injury or damage. While your bike is a great way to commute around town, it’s also important to take care of it by having it checked regularly. That way, you can avoid expensive repairs in the future.

Bike Mountain recommends checking the brakes and tires regularly. If your tires need changing, choose the best gravel bike tires for better performance. Cyclists can check their bike’s condition by doing a simple test. The bicycle should be level and on its tire’s “tread” side without any dents or other damage that could cause safety issues.

The most important thing about safety when riding a bike is to make sure it is properly maintained, as well as being aware of your surroundings at all times.

The right cycling clothing

Even if only around 30 percent of cyclists wear a helmet, it is important because it protects the head in the event of a fall. Look out for the TÜV seal of approval when purchasing. Cycling trousers or shorts have the advantage that they often have a padded insert that pads your buttocks. Special gloves prevent pressure points and blisters on the hands. Breathable T-shirts and jackets prevent heat build-up and dry quickly. When choosing the right clothing, always take into account the headwind, which can lead to shivering despite the warm temperatures. Take enough to drink with you – preferably water or a diluted fruit juice spritzer.
